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dc.contributor.authorPhung, Nguyen Thi Kim
dc.description.abstractIsolation of thermophilic bacteria used for fermentation derived sugars of water hyacinth was conducted in this research. Xylose and Glucose were used to fermentation. Four different strains of thermophilic bacteria sourced from Binh Chau hot springs and Ba Bo Channel, were isolated and fermentation in 3 different media including Mineral salts, Tryptic Soybean Broth (TSB), Peptone. The effective isolated bacteria were Bacillus Smithies and Bacillus coagulants. The fermentation efficiency of these two species in Peptone medium was 9-24% comparing with the maximum fermentation efficiency. Besides, the fermentation efficiency in TSB medium was effective on xylose, with the efficiency range between 1-9% of maximum efficiency. The mineral salts medium has effectiveness in this fermentation experiments. Hence, the best fermentation for xylose was TSB medium and glucose was Peptone. The thermophilic bacteria had shown their different activities and metabolism depend on culture medium. It is recommended to check the mix culture fermentation for mix sugar solutions. Key word: Biomass fermentation Xylose Glucose Thermophilic Bacteria Bacillus smithies Bacillus coagulantsen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDr. Pham Thi Hoaen_US
dc.publisherInternational University - HCMCen_US
dc.subjectFermentation; Glucoseen_US
dc.titleIsolation of thermophilic bacteria for fermentation of water hyacinth - derived sugarsen_US

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