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dc.contributor.advisorVinh, Nguyen Ngoc
dc.contributor.authorNgoc, Vu Hong
dc.description.abstractBioethanol production has been paid much attention not only in Vietnam, but also over the world for several years. Generally the production is carried out by either traditional fermentation or solid-state fermentation. However, their products usually get an unstable and heterogeneous quality since these processes are uncontrolled due to the complexity and unequal in amounts of the used materials and microorganisms. Thus, in this study the bioethanol production is divided into 2 clear stages, which are saccharification and fermentation, for monitoring and only 2 fungi are focused on: Syncephalastrum racemosum strain M0945 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain GITA551, which are identified by both microscopic and molecular method before using. Dinitrosalicylic colorimetric method and Vigreux column are applied to determine the concentration of reducing sugar and distill ethanol respectively. 4 biological sources that commonly found in Vietnam are chosen to determine which material is idealistic to produce bioethanol for pharmaceutical industry in Vietnam by using this pair of fungi. Although ethanol is produced most in cassava, glutinous rice is the one that meets requirements of ethanol’s quality based on the Vietnamese Pharmacopoeia 4th edition. In spite of that, cassava is still considered as the chosen one. However, there are still some difficulties to deal with in another further study: reducing the concentration of impurities presenting in products and increasing the ethanol concentration. Keywords: Bioethanol Syncephalastrum racemosum Saccharomyces cerevisiae Dinitrosalicylic colorimetric Vigreux columnen_US
dc.publisherInternational University - HCMCen_US
dc.subjectBioethanol; Syncephalastrum racemosumen_US
dc.titleDetermination of ethanol concentration from fermeted biological sources in Vietnam for pharmaceutical industryen_US

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