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dc.contributor.advisorTung, Tran Thanh
dc.contributor.authorPhuong, Tran Tuan
dc.description.abstractThis thesis will help software engineers gain a remarkable knowledge of newest technology stack to boost up the software development process tremendously by technology stack like: front-end/back-end development, automation process of integration and deployment. In the past, REST is vastly used for the internal, external communication or data exchange, but it soon meets its limitations of inflexibility and heavy payload. Therefore, the thesis will discuss about those limitations of REST and also propose another technology for communication between client side and server side. More addition, the thesis will also include newest technology for front-end development called ReactJS for optimal rendering. Besides that, in this thesis scope, we will also include the methodology of experiencing with Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery process to boost up development effort and time. As a result, those things will be combined to build a prototype application for deeply grasping the knowledge and be able to apply into real industrial environment. Keyword: ReactJS, Redux, GraphQL, MongoDb, Jenkins, Docker, AWS, DigitalOcean.en_US
dc.publisherInternational University - HCMCen_US
dc.subjectOnline marketplace system; Softwareen_US
dc.titleOnline agriculture marketplace systemen_US

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