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dc.contributor.advisorSinh, Nguyen Van
dc.contributor.authorQuan, Pham Do Minh
dc.description.abstractTechnology development is on the rise in an amazing way. New technologies have been changing the face of the world quickly. Since its inception until now smartphones have made strong strides so that the accompanying technologies also require software developers to write more software that can be used on smartphones. Today we have two main competitive platforms, iOS and Android, each of which has a unique strength in application development. Since then we have a lot of tools to support application developers can develop each application easily such as Apple has XCode, Android has Android Studio. Mobile programming has a barrier for programmers, Android and iOS platforms can have the same layout and logic, but some user interface components will have huge differences so applications on Android and iOS must develop in two different languages. The thesis will introduce a new technology platform by building a commercial Native App that can run both on iOS and Android operating systems in React Native language and including User Interface components for each platform. The thesis focuses on the operating system to bring the user experience about performance as well as give the developer a friendly framework. Through the application we will not recognize the difference between the two mobile platforms and direct users to the use of react native application. That brings a lot of advantages to non-complex applications, in a short time we can create a user-friendly application that can be compiled for both Android and iOS.en_US
dc.publisherInternational University - HCMCen_US
dc.subjectMobile applicationen_US
dc.titleMobile application based on react nativeen_US

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