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dc.contributor.advisorThao, Le Phuong
dc.contributor.authorNhu, Nguyen Thi Quynh
dc.description.abstractBusiness analysis and valuation of the firm is the most necessary way to estimate the realistic value of Binh Minh Plastic Joint Stock company by considering the performance of company in the past and at the present. Within my thesis, the researcher analyzes operating procedure based on three financial statements of Binh Minh Plastic company from 2012 to 2016. Besides, there are totally three stages to analysis company’s performance including business strategy analysis, financial analysis and prospective analysis. These steps are extremely important in order to estimate present value of this firm and then make predictions to forecast future value of BMP in next 5 years from 2017 to 2021. After forecasting, we will have the intrinsic value and then make comparison with market value to conclude the stock price of BMP is overvalued or undervalued during that period. Finally, the investor would depend on these forecasted data to consider whether they should invest into Binh Minh Plastic’s stock. Obviously, the model that is used to measure terminal value and intrinsic value is discount cash flow model. At the end of thesis, the intrinsic value that is measured by researcher is 196,116 VND which is larger than the end of 2016. Therefore, we suggest that the investors should BUY Binh Minh Plastic’s stock.en_US
dc.publisherInternational University - HCMCen_US
dc.subjectBusiness analysis ;Management -- Financialen_US
dc.titleBusiness analysis and valuation of Binh Minh plastic joint stock companyen_US

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