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dc.contributor.advisorTy, Nguyen Dinh
dc.contributor.authorUyen, Nguyen Bao Phuong
dc.description.abstractTourism is more and more popular and this industry continues to develop strongly around the world. Thus, forecasting tourism demand plays an important role in development. In this study, the purpose is to provide some appropriate models to predict the tourism demand in Binh Thuan Province in Vietnam. There are five models applied in this study, namely GM (1,1), DGM (1,1), DGM (2,1), Verhulst and ARIMA; we try to test these models to find which concise and accurate forecasting models being able to predict the best result about the tourism demand. So as to ensure the precision, the authors collected data of total revenue, domestic visitor, international tourists and top six countries having the biggest numbers of visitors (Russia, Germany, France, Korea, China and USA) in ten years (between 2008 to 2017) from Binh Thuan Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism. We apply Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) to compare the results of forecasting models. As a result, grey Verhulst, DGM (1,1), GM (1,1) and ARIMA augment excellent results and minimum forecasted errors. In terms of total revenue, ARIMA is the best choice for prediction. About the domestic visitors and international tourists, GM (1,1), DGM (1,1) and Verhust give the better calculation than the other models. Besides, the performance of GM (1,1), DGM (1,1), Verhulst and ARIMA about forecasting the number of travelers of top six markets (Russia, Germany, France, Korea, China and USA) sending the largest number of tourists describes good results. For all the factors, DGM (2,1) is rejected to predict due to the poor results. Also, recently, tourism industry has developed rapidly in Binh Thuan. Hence, the government has to propose suitable policies to develop local tourism industry.en_US
dc.publisherInternational University - HCMCen_US
dc.subjectForecasting ;Tourismen_US
dc.titleApplication of grey system theory and arima model to forecast factors of tourism - A case of Binh Thuan province in Vietnamen_US

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