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dc.contributor.authorLe, Kim Long
dc.description.abstractIn this study, a list of 20 small jets in both the North Pole and the South Pole of the Sun was made by using data from 171 Å channel from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) instrument on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Depending on the symmetry of each event, I applied either a slit or a box to extract the height – time plot (HT plot), from which the upward speed, height, lifetime and temperature distribution of the jets can be determined. I found that the jets extended from 3 Mm – 25 Mm above the solar surface, with ejection velocities ranging from 5 km/s to 340 km/s, and the average lifetime of the jets to be close to 30 minutes in 3 AIA channels. I was able to derive the temperature maps of all events and noticed that the hottest part of all jets located at their footpoints, where log-temperature is approximately 6.2 to 6.5. These results shed new light on micro polar jets, which do not gain much attention, along with their position among different types of jets and jet – like events.en_US
dc.subjectSolar Dynamics Observatoryen_US
dc.subjectAtmospheric Imaging Assemblyen_US
dc.titleStatiscal Study Of Small Solar Polar EUV Jets During Solar Maximum 2014-2015en_US

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